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22nd May 2024

Workshop on Standardization of Test Methods in Microfluidics

Workshop on Standardization of Test Methods in Microfluidics

Lisbon, 22nd May - biosurfit proudly participated as an exhibitor and speaker at the recent workshop focused on the Standardization of Test Methods in Microfluidics, hosted by the Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ). The event brought together industry leaders, researchers, and professionals dedicated to advancing the field of microfluidics through standardized testing methods.

Highlighting Innovation and Expertise

The workshop was a significant opportunity for biosurfit to showcase its solutions and expertise in microfluidics. Attendees had the chance to engage with our team, learn about our cutting-edge products, and discuss the future of microfluidic applications in healthcare.

Engaging Presentation

A standout moment was the presentation by André Magalhães, Development Director, who delivered an insightful talk about "Centrifugal Microfluidics Toolbox". The session highlighted our toolbox approach of integrated microfluidics elements and how biosurfit develops robust and reliable test methods for medical diagnostics. 

"We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in microfluidics,” said André Magalhães. "Our company is committed to developing high-performance, user-friendly solutions that address the most relevant and trending needs in the clinical diagnostics market leveraging on a deep understanding of centrifugal microfluidic applications."

Capturing the Event

To share the excitement of the day, we have created a highlight video that captures the essence of the workshop, our participation, and the interactions we had with fellow attendees. Watch the video to see the event’s atmosphere and gain insights into the future of microfluidic technology.

Looking Ahead

The workshop underscored the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in advancing the microfluidics field. We extend our gratitude to IPQ for organizing such a valuable event and to all the participants who contributed to its success. biosurfit looks forward to continuing its efforts in innovation and standardization, driving the future of healthcare technologies.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from biosurfit! 
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