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Leukospin, Leukocyte marker infection diagnostic solution

Designation of the project | Leukospin, Leukocyte marker infection diagnostic solution
Project Code | 17277
Beneficiary | biosurfit S.A.

Start date | 01-05-2024
End Date | 30-04-2026
Total eligible value | 1 141 061,10€
EU Financing | 1 141 061,10€ 

Project Summary
Leukospin is an innovative sepsis diagnostic solution that differentiates between bacterial and viral infections. The project combines microfluidics, next-generation fluorescence microscopy and machine learning, which will allow analysis of up to 24 fluorescent markers in a single blood sample. This solution promises fast, accurate and affordable diagnostics, changing the paradigm in the treatment of septicemia and serious infections.
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